Core Leadership Presence Program

Reaching The Heights of Leadership Presence™

This tailored program is the ideal solution for employees that have been identified as potential leaders, current leaders, and yes, even for that C-Suite leader who is in need of "polishing" in specific areas of "Leadership Presence". This program is designed to help leaders reach the “Heights of Leadership Presence” that builds and sustains…

Influence and Respect

Strong Communication Skills

A Positive Work Culture

Strong Relationships


Qualified Decisions

A Polished, Professional Image

Inspiration for Others to Follow


The attendees will participate in online PreWork™ that is relevant to the program's agenda. Since each program is custom-tailored, the PreWork™ is as well. 

The purpose of the PreWork™ is to start the engaging process for the attendees for the upcoming program. As well as give them a sense of their knowledge base for the topics to be presented in the program. 

Personal Branding Tools

Leading Edge Branding™ utilizes 2 tools to help your employees develop and maintain a personal brand.  These tools lay the groundwork for this program.

Perception IDentity

powered by Leading Edge Branding™

TriMetrix® EQ

powered by TTI International

Perception IDentity

powered by Leading Edge Branding™

Perception IDentity 360™

It is important for employees to understand the importance of how they are perceived in business because it can directly impact their career success and opportunities for growth. Encouraging employees to be mindful of their reputation can help them to build strong relationships, establish credibility, and advance their careers.

Leading Edge Branding created the Perception Identity 360™ to help your employees better understand their brand, how it impacts their business opportunities within the organization, and by understanding all the components that go into building a personal brand. And two, it helps our personal branding coaches, along with management, design a program that is custom-tailored to fit the professional development needs of the employees.

Perception IDentity Assessment™

Before any words are spoken or handshakes take place, a perception of your employee has already been formed. In a split second, others assimilate this perception as being more authoritative or approachable. We call this one’s Perception ID™ and will help set the tone for how a relationship is going to evolve, affecting your employee’s success potential.

When others perceive one’s Perception ID™ regardless of whether or not it is true of who they are, because it is the onlooker’s perception, will determine how one typically chooses to interact with them. This identity greatly impacts one’s personal brand.

The Parker Factor™

When employees gain a better understanding of how to strategically position their Perception ID™ to an audience or for any business situation or presentation, only then can he or she capitalize on the business at hand, having a results-driven outcome of their agenda.

Utilizing the 4 Principles from The Parker Factor™, your employee will be prepared for any business opportunities that go beyond their daily interactions, such as presentations, leading meetings, or attending conferences, to mention a few.

TriMetrix® EQ

powered by TTI International

The TriMetrix® EQ assessment is the major component of the Personal Branding program. It is designed to help your employees understand how they perceive the world and how to thrive in it. This assessment measures the 3 following key components of one’s on-the-job performance.


Identifying an employee’s behavior style will help them gain a deeper understanding of their own behavioral style, as well as those of their colleagues and team members. This will help them improve communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution skills, as well as increase their self-awareness and empathy.


Identifying an employee’s Driving Forces helps them to better understand the underlying motivations or reasons they are inspired and helps guide their actions and decisions. Simply put, Driving Forces are a set of motivators that drive employees to take action and make decisions. It is “how” they do what they do. To help employees better understand what motivates them to do what they do, and what motivates others, will help them make better decisions and improve their performance.


Your employee’s Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It is a vital skill in the workplace as it helps them to build strong relationships with coworkers and customers by communicating effectively, adapt to change, work better in teams, and manage stress.

Personal Branding Matrix

The Personal Branding Matrix™ consists of the following components which comprise of those "Personal Branding Discipline Elements" that constitute a personal brand. 

Our program helps connect all the elements together via the "Personal Branding Grid." We call this "Connecting The Dots" when it comes building a personal brand. 


An authentic personal brand can only start within. At Leading Edge Branding™ those internal factors that help your employees identify their “Observer”, understand how “Internal Power” and “Emotions” help drive their authentic brand, and “Inspire” them to stay true to themselves, give rise to how their “Physical Extension” can showcase their personal brand within the organization. We call these “Core” personal branding disciplines.


The External Factors are about how an employee shows up. It’s about self-awareness where they identify and exhibit the ability to develop and maintain their strengths, behavioral styles, communication styles, professional image, personality traits and much more. These are the influencing “External Factors” which are addressed throughout the Personal Branding Matrix System.
