

The INvolution process™!

Your employee’s reputation is his or her Personal Brand! Everything they do, everything they say, everything they represent, everything they associate themselves with, everything they wear, and everything they produce, creates an emotional connection with others.

It is other’s thoughts, feelings, and associations held within one’s mind that impacts their Personal Brand, their team brand as well as the brand of your organization!

But how does one even start to develop a personal brand? Is it too late for seasoned employees? When is it right for the newbie in the organization? When is too early, too early?

This program focuses on the following Personal Branding Disciplines that helps one communicate who they are what they know to others in a very clear, succinct manner.

Delivery Platforms

This program is highly interactive. Participants will be asked to participate in PreWork Activities™. These activities will depend upon what Personal Branding Disciplines the Personal Branding Center will be engaged to complete the program.






At the Personal Branding Center, our philosophy is built on three premises. One, it’s about reaching one’s success potential via one’s Image, Visibility, and Performance. Two, Self-Awareness is key to change and motivation. Being consciously aware allows for growth and sustainability in various dimensions of business interactions.

And three, it’s about the Involution Design Process™. When evolving one’s brand from a conscious perspective, he or she creates a space for building an authentic personal brand. This is about awareness of all “activities and actions”, where one must take responsibility for the outcome of every business opportunity.

Self Perception VS Reality

One’s true perception of self evolves one’s brand, consciously or unconsciously.  Regardless of what one says or does if his or her self-perception is not in alignment with the true self, then a disconnect is evident and does not create an authentic personal brand.

This is the foundation for building a brand that is unique only to self and easily can be communicated to others in a clear, succinct manner.

Behaviors & Values

How one does what they do and why one does what they do, is key in exceeding one’s success potential. Behaviors and Values can lead to effective communication and understanding or can become a distinct liability for your employee and the organization.

This process is about understanding self-first which leads to an understanding of others, with the results of being able to modify one’s self and know with confidence that the desired outcome is sustainable.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is all about managing relationships with a positive outcome. The first step of having high emotional intelligence is being self-aware. This awareness must be aligned with his or her true self for true authenticity.

The second step is about learning to manage those emotions. The third step is being aware of others’ emotions and the fourth step is how one manages relationships. An employee’s emotions can wreak havoc or create a space of success!

Personal Branding Qualifiers

Personal Branding Qualifiers™ help creates brand value. Knowing what one does not want helps to strengthen and define what one does want and desire. They are about being fluid and mobile.

Being on purpose not only helps an employee stay on track, but it also helps the organization in understanding how one is best utilized with the organization.

These qualifiers help create one’s roadmap to his or her career while allowing those skills and abilities to be utilized to the fullest extent by allowing an organization to build on those strengths for better business.

Perception IDentity

Before any words are spoken or handshakes take place, a perception of your employee has already been formed. In a split second, others assimilate this perception as being more authoritative or approachable. We call this one’s Perception ID™ and sets-the-tone for how a relationship is going to evolve, affecting your employee’s success potential.

When others perceive one’s Perception ID™ regardless of whether or not it is true of who they are, because it is the onlooker’s perception, will determine how one typically chooses to interact with them.

When employees gain a better understanding of how to strategically position their Perception ID™ to an audience or for any business situation or presentation, only then can he or she capitalize on the business at hand, having a results-driven outcome of their agenda.

The Parker Factor

Once a Perception ID™ has been determined The Parker Factor™ is applied. The Parker Factor™ teaches employees how to position themselves to have a stronger impact in their Image Positioning™ efforts. Please see the following principles. 

Principle 1:  Desired Perception

Principle 2:  Percentage Impact

Principle 3:  Modification Quota

Principle 4:  IM-Tactics

Personal Branding Statements™

There are two types of Personal Branding Statements™. The Personal Branding Value Statement™ is the opportunity to bring value in what brings to the table. Perfect for one’s LinkedIn Profile as well as for resumes. It’s results-driven, and not necessarily about numbers!  

The Personal Branding Statement™ is more personal. It talks about how and why one does what they do. It’s about the process to get things done. This can stand alone or blend with the value statement. This all depends on the situation.

Personal Branding SoundBites™

A Personal Branding SoundBite™ is commonly referred to as an elevator pitch; however, this implies that one is actually trying to “sale” something on the spot. This is NOT the case.

The phrase “elevator pitch” originated from the old days of Hollywood. If a writer saw a production executive or producer on an elevator, then he or she only had about thirty seconds in the elevator to “pitch” an idea. A Personal Branding SoundBite™ is not about selling an idea or product. It is about promoting one’s abilities and talents within an organization.

It is about an opportunity to gain visibility while sharing “organic” information about one’s self so that a “seed of remembrance” is planted in the minds of others.

Personal Branding Snippets

Team members are oftentimes asked, “What type of work do you do”? Typically, one responds with his or her job title. This is not very exciting to the listener and is probably not very memorable. The Personal Branding Center™ created two ways to answer this question and the response depends on the situation as to which one to use when representing the team.

Fundamental Snippet™

One simply states his or her title or job function.


 “I am a corporate trainer.”

Visual Snippet™

This is where one would provide a broad example of what they do with going into specifics or using a vague title of explanation.


“So, you know the drug commercials you see on TV? I manage the 'messaging' on everything you see so that the commercial is in full compliance with federal regulations."

Advanced Snippet™

This is where one would expand on his or her functions, allowing the conversation to cultivate future business or to create brand value.


“We help professionals enhance their visibility and image in the workplace to not only elevate their personal brand but the brand of the organization as well.

Professional Image

An employee’s image is about how they look Physically. The following constitutes a professional image.  One’s hair cut/style, eyewear, wardrobe, accessories, personal grooming, and makeup for women.

Your employee’s image is about ensuring that he or she not only represent their position and the organization’s brand but also exceeds their customer’s expectations, both internally and externally, while doing so without losing his or her own sense of personal identity.

Image is about Perception. If one’s image is sloppy, date, or unkempt, then the perception of his or her work and abilities can also be perceived as dated, sloppy and disorganized.

Image is also about Confidence! Whether your employee is identified as up-and-coming or is already highly visible in the organization, this program will ensure that your employee knows they look the very best while looking the part. It is this process that builds confidence, and it is this confidence that translates into success.

ASK! The Branding Experts


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