CONNECTion or CONflict™?
Why Is Business Communications
So Important?
Business communication is about selling. Selling an idea, concept, or persuading others to think or take action in some form. It is also about informing, inquiring, arguing, solutions and strategy. It’s about how to articulate with one’s self clearly as well as how to help resolve misunderstandings.
Effective communication in business is all about creating new relationships and strengthening existing ones; however, during the process communications can break down for various reasons. It can stem from a message not being articulated well or it could be that someone sees something from an entirely different perspective causing conflict. In this case, what one values may create a barrier when it comes to having an effective conversation.
It's not what you say, but how you say it
that really matters!
Whether it is a short conversation in the hall, one-on-one meetings, text, email, or phone messages., our Communication Programs hone in on those critical communication skills for better, one-on-one interactions. And although we do cover non-verbal communication as part of the program, our foundation focuses on the primary vehicle for expressing one’s self with others and that is the verbal aspect of communications.
It’s about not just the words that are spoken but how they are spoken. It’s about the tone of the message. It’s not what is said most of the time, but how it is said that impacts communications.
Delivery Platforms
This program is highly interactive. Participants will be asked to submit situations where they were involved in communications that were not effective. This allows for the application of the BANK system. See more below.
Groups will be created and given a scenario where each group will create a solution approach for the scenario. After the breakout sessions are completed, each scenario will be presented to the class as a whole. Each scenario will be evaluated as to who the players are and the different approaches that will work and not work in the flow of conversation.
Program Agenda
Is Key!
There are three key elements to engaging in effective communications: self-awareness, social-awareness. Self-awareness has two components. Firstly, an employee must clearly understand his or her strengths that enhance their communications.
The second one is for the employee to identify those challenges that might hinder how they communicate with others. This component is critical and must be understood before communication becomes a distinct liability for the individual and the organization.
What Communication
Is and is Not.
Effective communication does not mean that everyone is always in agreement with what is being said. What it does mean; however, is that regardless of the subject at hand, people want to be seen, heard, and validated.
To accomplish this there is a two-step process. Step 1 is to first seek to understand the self. Step 2 is to seek to understand others. Blending these understandings and addressing the issue at hand, only then can one ensure that others are seen, heard, and validated.
Effective communication is not just a two-way street. It is a process that is respectful of others' input and opinions while addressing the issues at hand.
For True Communications
The social-awareness aspect is about understanding someone else's preferred mode of communication. This is critical so that one can modify their communication style, so they are relevant and make the other person feel comfortable during the communication process.
Leading Edge Branding utilizes the BANK® system for its communication preference tool. It is practical, easy to comprehend, easy to apply, and only takes about 60-seconds. BANK® stands for:
BANK Assessment
Personal Branding Center utilizes the BANK Communication System. This assessment is provided to each participant before their engagement session. Each participant will receive a report that is the foundation of the program.
BLUEPRINT: Blueprints are very responsible, detailed-oriented employees. Systems and rules inspire them.
ACTION: Actions are risk-takers. They love freedom, flexibility, competition, and winning. The big picture and powerful influencers inspire them.
NURTURING: Nurturing people are empathetic, authentic, and potential-oriented. They are inspired by helping others.
KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge people are great at strategic, long-term projects. Data and information inspire them.
This program is highly interactive. Participants will be asked to submit situations where they were involved in communications that were not effective. This allows for the application of the BANK systems.
Groups will be created and given a scenario where each group will create a solution approach. After the breakout sessions are completed, each scenario will be presented to the class as a whole. Each scenario will be evaluated as to who the players are and the different approaches that will work and not work in the flow of conversation.
ASK! The Branding Experts
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